OpenIDEO —
Buisiness Pivot Challenge

Open Innovation Program Mgmt, Creative Direction, Report Design, Data Visualization
At the beginning of COVID, IDEO ran an open innovation Challange asking: How might businesses of all kinds rapidly adapt to support the immediate needs of the COVID-19 response, and enable a more just and resilient future?

COVID-19 has surfaced a spectrum of new needs for communities, patients and health workers around the world. At the same time, many sectors are struggling to stay afloat in an unprecedented time of economic uncertainty due to COVID-19 related restrictions. In this Challenge, we invited participation from anyone to share Inspirations and Ideas, from business owners and leaders to employees within companies of all types and sizes.

700+ Ideas and Inspiration posts were submitted by participants from around the world. This Challenge offered an open and collaborative space to develop solutions, post inspiration, gather feedback, and find partners. While the Challenge was a 3-week sprint, we believe this will be just the start. Five selected submissions were eligible to receive $10,000 each in seed funding from the Vodafone Americas Foundation. Recipients of seed funding from Vodafone Americas Foundation were announced the week of May 25, 2020.